What to Expect in This Class:
Bright Start Academy believes that each experience throughout the day is an opportunity for learning. Social skills are an essential part of development in the preschool years. Your early preschooler will begin to gain a better understanding of what it means to play with others, as well as how to communicate thoughts and feelings. We encourage children to practice sharing, taking turns, resolving conflicts, listening, and following directions.

Toilet training at Bright Start Academy is a large focus in our early preschool classrooms. Our teachers are trained to work with you to help your child succeed in their journey at their own pace.

Keeping You Informed:
In our early preschool classrooms, you can expect your child’s teacher to be available for face-to-face communication, post reminders in the classroom, and schedule family conferences as needed. We believe consistent parent communication is very important in the development of your child. Our early preschool teachers maintain an assessment portfolio for each child, which tracks developmental progress using check lists, photographs, and work samples.

Daily Schedule:
Each early preschool classroom has its own daily schedule of age-appropriate activities. Our early preschool classroom provides consistent, yet flexible routines to help your child feel at ease while they are at school, so they are more prepared to learn. Our teachers provide a balance of teacher-led and child-directed learning experiences to develop confidence, stimulate exploration, establish guidelines and provide direction. Your child’s independence and creativity will flourish during daily learning centers by encouraging them to select and initiate their own learning.

Nurturing Educators:
Our early preschool teachers support your child’s development with fun-filled learning activities and sensory experiences. Our professional educators keep your child’s mind engaged by focusing on developmental domains and skill development. Our caregivers will share in your child’s successes, providing a sense of autonomy, for an effective transition into our preschool classrooms and beyond.

Clean, Safe, and Stimulating Environment:
At Bright Start Academy, we provide a safe, clean environment in which your early preschooler can thrive as he or she explores the world around them. The setting, layout, and equipment of the classroom give early preschoolers many opportunities to challenge themselves through sensory experiences. Our classrooms are divided into learning stations, each that provide educational materials in the areas of: science, art, manipulatives and math, blocks, language and literacy, dramatic play, gross and fine motor, music and movement, writing, and more. Our early preschoolers have a playground with developmentally appropriate outdoor equipment designed for this age group.